Group activities of competitors are inherently suspect under the antitrust laws. Many agreements among competitors, however, are both legal and beneficial to the industry. The best vehicle for enjoying the benefits of permitted agreements among competitors while avoiding the pitfalls of illegal agreements is by belonging to an association like the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA), which takes its obligations in this regard very seriously. 

It is the policy of WearRA to comply strictly with the antitrust laws. WearRA will not knowingly permit discussions of individual company prices or the related types of sensitive information listed. This policy is motivated by a firm respect and belief in the antitrust laws and the recognition of the potentially severe detrimental consequences of antitrust violations. Broadly stated, the basic objective of the antitrust laws is to preserve and promote competition. 

Our aim is to conduct ourselves in such a way as to avoid any potential for antitrust exposure. Full compliance with the antitrust laws is a requirement for WearRA membership, and responsibility for compliance rests with each member. To comply with the antitrust laws, members should not discuss certain subjects when they are together — either at formal meetings or in informal contacts with other industry members. 

Participants in WearRA meetings have an obligation to terminate any discussion, seek legal counsel’s advice, or, if necessary, terminate any meeting if the discussion might be construed to raise antitrust risks. All WearRA meetings and activities are held for the purpose of transacting the appropriate business of WearRA and to further its goals and must be conducted in a manner consistent with this policy.