In addition to the WearRAcon Europe 2023 Conference, a separate area was used to set up a poster presentation. Expect more posters and presentations in 2025 just like these:
- Marcos Villar García CTAG INTEX & SELFEX: Sensorized Portable Environments for Evaluation and Training of Manufacturing Operators
- Veronika Hofmann Fraunhofer IPA Development and Evaluation of a Passive Lower Body Exoskeleton for Agriculture
- Thomas Dobosz University of Stuttgart Operating Height for Shoulder Exoskeletons in Construction Task
- Dr. Volker Bartenbach Auxivo AG The EduExo Educational Exoskeletons – Bringing Exoskeleton Technology into Classrooms and Homes
- Catherine Michaud CRAMIF Integration of Exoskeletons Among Handling Operators in Baggage Galleries at Paris CDG Airport
- Bent Leudesdorff Fraunhofer IPA Activity Classification by Use of Tool-Related Signals
- Jasper Johns Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Analysis of the Relief of the Lumbar Spine by Different Back-Support Exoskeletons During Lifting and Holding
- Jan Kuschan Fraunhofer IPK Wearable Systems for Action Recognition of Industrial Assembly Tasks
- Leon Lauret Ruhr University Bochum Evaluation of an Elastomer-Based Upper-Limb Exoskeleton During a Simulated Dynamic Work Task Over a Large Shoulder Workspace
- Arjang Ahmadi TU Darmstadt Enhancing Human Locomotion with Biarticular Soft Exosuit
- Angel Galbert University of Strathclyde Exoskeletons and Assistive Devices for Hands and Wrists: A Scoping Review
- Yannis Hahnemann HTW Berlin Beyond Bar Charts: A Comparative Analysis of Linear Mixed-Effect Models and ANOVA for Evaluating Exoskeleton Performance
- Annina Brunner Auxivo AG Use of a Passive Shoulder Exoskeleton for Manufacturing – Transfer of Lab Findings to a Realistic Work Setting
- Imke Pitz HAWK Göttingen Gesundheitscampus Effectiveness of Wearing an Exoskeleton During SME-Specific Work Tasks – Pilot Tests Results
- Pinar Onal Vrije Universiteit Brussel Multimodal Sensing for User Intention Prediction in Upper Limb Exoskeletons
- Dr. Iñaki Diaz Asociación Centro Tecnológico CEIT MONITOREX: Ergonomics and Physiological Monitoring System for Exoskeleton Users
- Riika Saurio LUT University Towards Smoother Implementation of Exoskeletons in Care Work
- Xiaochen Zhang KTH MoveAbility lab Multi-Objective-Based Human-in-the-Loop Optimization for Ankle Exoskeleton
- Prof. Oliver Schwarz Fraunhofer IPA New Impulses for Exoskeletons Through Biointelligence
Links to the posters can be found on the A+A website.
The winners of the 2023 poster competition are announced on the WearRAcon Europe 2023 website.